Parts Design
  • Parts Design

  • Re-engineered Ford Barra VCT gear assembly to suit higher valvetrain loads
Parts Testing
  • Parts Testing

  • Research and testing into limits, tensile strengths, temperature limits etc.
Engine Machining
  • Engine Machining

  • We can carry out many machining tasks associated with building a high performance race engine
Part modification
  • Part modification

  • custom sumps, modifications to timing covers, rocker covers, heads etc.
  • 3D scanning and modeling

  • From low res scans to test fitment right down to machine tolerance recreations of parts

Next Engine | Old engines, modern parts

When Nick Bucher set up Next Engine sought to bring well designed engine parts to popular high performance and commonly modified engines. Some of the parts we've had to use to modify our cars over the years haven't been changed or updated in decades. We want to change that by bringing out a line of parts that have been redesigned using modern software tools and engine development data.

We have FANTASTIC engineers that love to help us solve problems and make things better. Our approach is to be flexible in updating designs to improve performance, durability and affordability.