Torque Specs

Torque Specs

Ford Barra torque specs and bolt lengths and information

What's the torque for?

Cylinder Head Stud – 12.0mm

100 with Moly

135 NM with Moly

Cylinder Head Stud – 14.3mm

135-140 with Moly

187-190 NM with Moly

Camshaft Caps Saddles

10 with Loctite 222

13 NM with Loctite 222

Main cap bolts – without girdle

65 with Oil

88 NM with Oil

Main cap bolts – with girdle

75 with Oil

100 NM with Oil

Main cap studs – with girdle

75 with Oil

100 NM with Oil

STEEL Main caps  -
studs & girdle

100 with oil

135 NM with oil

Camshaft sprocket bolts – M10

55 with Loctite 222

72 Nm with Loctite 222

Camshaft sprocket bolts – M6

13 with Loctite 222

17 NM with Loctite 222

Camshaft sprocket bolts – M8

23 with Loctite 222

31 NM with Loctite 222

Steel conrods – ARP 3/8” bolts (Atomic rods <2023)

55 with Moly

72 NM with Moly

Steel conrods – CA635 3/8” bolts (2023 onwards)

60 with Moly

87 NM with Moly

Steel conrods – ARP 7/16” bolts

65 with Moly

87 NM with Moly

Alloy conrods – Carrillo 7/16” bolts

100 in a single movement with oil on threads

134 NM in a single movement with oiled threads

Harmonic balancer retaining bolt

100 with Silicone 250 on washer and keyway, moly on thread
then Loctite 222

135 NM with Silicone 250 on washer and keyway, moly on
thread, then Loctite 222

Sump cross bolts – M10

50 with Loctite 222

67 NM with Loctite 222

Sump to block bolts - M6

10 with Loctite 222

13 NM with Loctite 222

Timing pivot bolt – M18

19 with Loctite 222

25 NM with Loctite 222

D/Side pivot bolt - M8 flange nut

20 with Loctite 222

27 NM with Loctite 222

Oil pump pickup support brace – M8 crimp nut

15 with Loctite 222

20 NM with Loctite 222

Oil pump bolts

12 with Loctite 222

16 NM with Loctite 222

Oil pump pressure relief valve

33 with Loctite 222

45 NM with Loctite 222

Flywheel/flexplate bolts

70 with Moly under heads and Loctite 262 on threads

100 NM with Moly under heads and Loctite 262 on threads